Newfound Form of Meditation: Guitar Meditation

Richard Hovan

Happiness is one of the essential needs of humans, hence is also very hard to achieve, one of the best methods to achieve a constant vibration of happiness is to practice meditation. However, not everyone finds meditation to be so simple, many people find it challenging to sit still and concentrate on their breathing.

Many people struggle to calm their thoughts and concentrate on their breathing. To overcome this struggle of many, a very well-known music enthusiast Richard Hovan uncovered guitar meditation with people who love the symphonies of both guitar and meditation Guitar meditation is going to pave the path of a newfound form of meditation and will prove beneficial to many in upcoming years.

Richard Hovan is a 41-year-old dedicated musician from Round Rock, Texas, who excels in playing many instruments. He attended St. Andrew’s School and developed a passion for the guitar throughout his high school years.

Now he, not only enjoys using his musical talents to uplift people by playing the guitar, cello, and piano but is also an enthusiast of vintage automobiles and owns numerous of them. With years of practice playing various instruments, this gifted person has cultivated a wealth of skills that have led him to uncover the newfound technique of guitar meditation.

Finding Happiness And Mastery Over Your Thoughts

Richard Hovan is a firm believer in the fact that meditation isn’t merely about sitting in silence with your eyes shut. There is no point in spending two or three hours sitting down if you cannot control your thoughts. You can use any strategy that would assist you in managing your thoughts. The greatest way to reach this state of mind for music enthusiasts is to combine meditation with any instrument of their choice. Guitar harmonies with melody might help you stop overanalyzing and have a happy life.

What Sets Guitar Meditation Apart From Conventional Meditation

To begin traditional meditation, one must first silence oneself and concentrate on one’s breathing. However, it is particularly challenging for chatty guys. Richard Hovan has found that Guitar meditation allows people to vibe to different symphonies while attaining a peaceful state. People may concentrate on their guitars and enjoy the melodies they have to offer. For people who find it difficult to sit motionless for extended periods of time, this type of meditation is the most beneficial option.

Something Over Nothing

It is preferable to begin using every method at your disposal to get inner peace. In this era of digitalization and rapid advancement towards exploring new ways to live, everyone is engrossed with their devices. According to Richard Hovan, no one can spare time for themselves, with a million thoughts in their head. Understanding one’s ownself is the key to achieving mental calmness and de-stressing circumstances through meditation. The first and most preferable step toward achieving peace of mind is playing any instrument that will act as meditation. For those who enjoy playing the guitar and find typical meditation methods unsatisfactory, guitar meditation may be the ideal solution.

Use Your Hobby For Peace Of Mind

We have lost sight of our passions and ability to enjoy life due to the busyness of modern living. Richard Hovan offered a method for achieving mental calm while doing your favorite task by keeping this in mind. Indeed, we are discussing pleasure and guitars. Easily achieving peace of mind is best done with meditation and a guitar.

Blending meditation and music therapy

Combining the relaxing benefits of meditation with music therapy is known as guitar meditation. There’s nothing like guitar meditation to soothe the body and mind. In this approach, consumers receive the benefits of both meditation and music therapy. A new type of meditation for music lovers will help you cure yourself if you want to meditate but are having trouble. Using music while meditation is the newest method for enhancing its benefits and promoting relaxation.


Achieving inner peace of mind is our primary objective. Whatever the method of accomplishment. For those who enjoy music but find it difficult to follow the standard meditation procedure, there is an alternate option: guitar meditation. The objective of both guitar meditation and traditional meditation is the same, although there are undoubtedly significant differences. If you find it uncomfortable to practice traditional meditation in quiet, you might choose soothing music to help you relax.

Originally Posted:

Benefits Of Music Meditation

Richard Hovan Music Mediation

What Is Music Meditation

Meditation is the way to achieve calm and piece states of mind by sitting quit and concentrating on your thoughts. But music meditation is the combination of music and meditation to achieve the same goal. Meditation is the ancient approach to achieving peace of mind. However, in recent years new form of meditation has emerged, music meditation. This meditation form is the best for those who love music. Let’s discuss more about music meditation with Richard Hovan, who lives in Round Rock Texas USA. He is a music lover.

How It Is Done

To do music meditation soft music is used to listen. By listening to calm music while focusing on one’s breath individuals can achieve the same benefits of traditional meditation in a very enjoyable way. Music has the power to relax the body and mind. A combination of soft music and meditation is called music meditation.

Benefits Of Music Meditation

There are many benefits of music meditation. Let’s discuss one by one with Richard Hovan in this blog.

No need to sit forcefully:

Unlike traditional meditation, where you have to sit quit and focus on your breath. This can be quite uninteresting to today’s generation. If you are unable to do traditional meditation then this is the best option for you to do meditation. If you love listening to music then you just need to feel the music with closed eyes. This is the way of enjoying soft music by sitting quietly.

Reduce The Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression

Improve Sleep Quality

Bad sleep quality causes many health issues. If you are also suffering from bad sleep quality then you should try to know the reasons for that. One of the best ways to encounter bad sleep is meditation. there are different forms of meditation. You can choose one of them according to your choice. If you love music then music meditation is the best option for you. Music meditation will wipe out your tension, which is the major cause of bad sleep.

Improve Stress Management

Stress is the main gate for many health problems. To live a healthy and happy life it is better to keep the main door of health problems shut down. To manage the stress you can use music meditation to make your life better.

Helps To Achieve Piece Of Mind

Piece of mind is very important to live a happy and healthy life. In today’s busy life, it is becoming very difficult to achieve peace of mind. Workload, tension, stress, etc are the main causes of lack of peace in life. But with music meditation, we can achieve peace of mind. Ad soothing tunes of music in your meditation, if you are unable to do traditional meditation. This will enhance the way of practicing meditation in your life. Music has healing power. Use it in a unique way with meditation to heal your body and mind.

Helps To Control Overthinking

Overthinking is the cause of anxiety and anxiety is the cause of depression. To live a happy and joyful life it is very important to control your thoughts. To control thoughts meditation plays a very important role. Many types of research have shown that meditation is the best way to control unnecessary thoughts, which leads to several health issues in humans.

Wrapping up:

Richard Hovan: May research has shown that music meditation is one of the best ways to face many mental problems. By opting for this meditation approach you can achieve a calm and peace state of mind. So if you are feeling stress anxiety and depression then you should try meditation. If you are not able to do traditional meditation then you can opt for music meditation to calm your mind.